Courses and Resources
Number of topics: 3
Key information and links to the resources needed to work as a senior veterinary surgeon at a Point to Point fixture.
Number of topics: 4
Information regarding the British Horseracing
Authority’s Medication Control and Anti-Doping Rules and Regulations with
respect to the work of a racecourse veterinary surgeon.
Number of topics: 4
Information for Senior Racecourse Veterinary
Surgeons on the important relationships, communication and regulation responsibilities. Working
effectively with the Racecourse Managing Executive (RME), Veterinary Services
Team (VST) and racing connections.
Number of topics: 4
Management and leadership of the team providing
veterinary services to a racecourse. Meeting the requirements of regulation, of the clients and of equine
welfare and the inspection process. Understanding diversity of skills, effecting
meaningful change and facilitating mentoring and training.
Number of topics: 4
Planning and delivering effective scenario
training. Defining roles and
responsibility, communicating and ensuring safety at an incident. Understanding
the joint emergency services inter-operability protocols (JEISP).