Courses and Resources
Number of topics: 1
Veterinary Surgeon Nigel Haizelden looks at the
importance of hoof balance for performance.
Number of topics: 1
Bloodstock Agent Michael Orlandi of Compass
Equine discusses the experience required to become an agent, the role of an
agent and where to start pre-sale preparation.
Number of topics: 1
In this short webinar advanced dental
technician James Roxburgh, looks at how they treat common abnormality in
modern-day dentistry of the horse and how management can cause some of
these abnormalities.
Number of topics: 1
Advanced dental technician James Roxburgh
introduces the physiology of the horses’ mouth, teeth and the role of the
equine technician.
Number of topics: 1
ViewNumber of topics: 1
How bones work, why they break, common racehorse
fractures and immerging technology to aid bones.
Number of topics: 1
Veterinary Officer Nigel Haizelden looks at how
we investigate lameness, discussing appropriate methods for various common
injuries and giving factual evidence dispelling myths and bad practice.
Number of topics: 1
Veterinary Officer
Nigel Haizelden discusses how to recognise and grade lameness.
Number of topics: 0
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 1
Number of topics: 1
Veterinary Officer
Nigel Haizelden explains the importance of understanding equine vision to see the
world through the eyes of the horse.
Number of topics: 10