Courses and Resources
Number of topics: 3
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
This course is about basic identification of horses including colours, markings, gender and height. When working in a stable yard it is essential that everyone knows which horse is which to avoid any problems with incorrect identification.
This course is for new entrants to the racing and equestrian industries including jockeys, travelling staff, racing grooms and others involved in the care and welfare of horses.
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 4
This course is about the use and care of rugs and other routine items of horse clothing. Most stabled horses in work are rugged up and the type of rug depends on weather conditions and whether the horse is clipped or not. The correct application and care of rugs ensures the comfort and welfare of horses.
Number of topics: 4
Number of topics: 2
Number of topics: 4